Falling in Love with GeekyBeeks

Buzz: GeekyBeek PuckerUps on the Town

People who own GeekyBeek PuckerUps and BabyBeeks (or who get them as gifts) fall madly in love with them. In fact, they often can't bare to leave them. Many customers have told us that their GeekyBeek PuckerUps and BabyBeeks love to get out and see the sights. We love the photos* and videos that have been sent to us showing GeekyBeek lovebirds making the scene all over the United States. And so we decided to share them with you.

Here's our favorite GeekyBeek YouTube Vdeo and some recent photos of Baby Beek Pucker Ups hitting Manhattan hot spots.

GeekyBeek PuckerUps Take Manhattan. Looking for love, they went out swing dancing. They were the most popular little geek love birds ever! All the girls wanted to dance with them.

GeekyBeek PuckerUps in Action. BabyBeek PuckerUps love shoe shopping and were all geeked out when they found a big sale at Arche. They wanted new shoes for Valentine’s Day!

These shoes are so comfortable!

OMG - What a great shoe sale!
A romantic date always includes a little dinner and dancing. Here they are at SaHa, a terrific little Thai Restaurant in SoHo before shaking it up on the swinging floor of the Sandra Cameron Dance Studio.

Do You Like Thai?

Do you Hustle?
Then it was on to Trader Joe’s where standing in line is a social event.

BabyBeek Stocking Up at Trader Joe's

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We’d love to see what your GeekyBeek PuckersUps are up to

*Many GeekyBeek PuckerUp owners have sent us photos of their GeekyBeeks in action, and we've decided to share them! We've started a GeekyBeek Flickr Group so others could enjoy the photos and join in on the Geeky fun! That's where you - (or the Valentine you send GeekyBeek PuckerUps to) - can add your own photos of GeekyBeeks on the move. Of course, if you send the photos to us, we'll do our best to continue to add them to the group.

Come see more photos, and submit your own GeekyBeek photos to the GeekyBeek Flickr Group.

(Back to all the GeekyBeek Pucker-Ups Valentine Packages)
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