Every so often we stumble across an incredible gift item we absolutely fall in love with. This one is not really outdoor decor, but the concept was so meaningful and relevant that we simply could not resist carrying it to lend our support!
Created by two lovely moms April & Kerry, this
Gratitude Turkey Kit (a.k.a. Turkey on the the Table) is one of the most beautiful products we've ever come across. It's a sweet children's book & meaningful activity craft that encourages the whole family to express thankfulness and display their gratitude!
Family & friends write what they are thankful for on individual feathers, and those "Thankful Feathers" are used to create a meaningful Gratitude Turkey centerpiece for display on Thanksgiving or all year long!
The goal really is to turn thankfulness into a daily routine, to help children and adults of all ages to appreciate all of life's blessings. Bringing more gratitude into our lives will lead to feelings of love, appreciation, generosity and compassion. Just what the world needs right about now!
Gratitude Kit includes: Knit turkey, 13 feathers, marker, and Thankfulness activity book. Each purchase also provides 10 warm meals for people in need.
For each Turkey sold, 10 warm meals are donated!
Not only will your family experience the benefits of being thankful, you will also experience the joys of giving! For each Gratitude Turkey purchased, Turkey on the Table makes a donation to secure 10 warm meals to those in need through a partnership with FeedingAmerica.org.
Feeding America is an organization that delivers food to those in need through a nationwide network of 200 local food banks and 61,000 food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters!
To date, 44,950 meals have been donated through Feeding America with the efforts of our Gratitude Turkey!
As moms of young children, we had a vision and wanted to teach our children a sense of gratitude. Our goal was to turn "thankfulness" into an activity, focusing on the things they have, and not the things they don't. Not only is gratitude a learned behavior, research shows that it is linked to happiness. A thankful heart is a happy heart! |
We hope that this new family tradition helps your family focus on all the good things in your life, and while doing so you are helping others too!
We feel strongly that everyone deserves food on their table, no matter what their circumstances; and with your help, we believe we can put Turkey on the Tableฎ for everyone!
Our commitment to THANKS and GIVING is to help spread happiness to your family, and to someone in need by providing meals for each product sold.
In Gratitude,
- April & Kerry
Turkeys will start shipping August 15th, Pre-Order Today!